Tracee Stanley Yoga Nidda online MAsterclass

#wellbeing Introduction to Yoga Nidra with Tracee Stanley

We are really happy to offer an introduction to Yoga Nidra „A path to deep relaxation and freedom“ with the great teacher and author Tracee Stanley.

Tracee Stanley is the founder of Empowered Life Circle, a portal for practices, rituals and tantric teachings. Her work is inspired by more than 20 years of study in various yoga and tantra traditions, including Sri Vidya Tantra and the teachings of the Himalayan masters. She is the editor of the best-selling „Radiant Rest – Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Awakened Clarity“, the Empowered Life Self-Inquiry-Oracle Deck, and host of the Radiant Rest Podcast. As a teacher, Tracee shares her experiences in yoga nidra, meditation, self-inquiry, and rituals.

Join Tracee Stanley, author of Radiant Rest, in an exploration of deep relaxation and self-remembrance. This experiential offering will introduce students to the practice of Yoga Nidra – a deep relaxation technique that allows you to rest in spacious awareness while you connect to your innate power and wisdom.

What you will learn in this workshop:

A path to deep relaxation + freedom – this session will also explore:

  • Yoga Nidra as a practice that allows you to fall asleep to the ego and awaken to the soul
  • Obstacles to receiving rest
  • Techniques incorporating rest into everyday living  
  • This class will consist of lecture, practice and a Q&A portion.

The details:

Online-Workshop and Introduction

Tuesday, 11th of October from 08.00 to 09.00 PM CET

Via Zoom

37,00 Euro

You need a laptop or iPad, internet access and 1.5 hours of your time.With the online crash courses we would like to offer you the opportunity to delve deeper into our topics.

You can buy your ticket for the event here:

If you want to know more about Tracee we recommend to listen to the podcast episode 35 where we talked with Tracee about Yoga Nidra. We also recommend her book „Radiant Rest – Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Awakened Clarity„*

About the teacher:

Tracee Stanley is the founder of Empowered Life Circle, a sacred community and portal of practices, rituals, and Tantric teachings inspired by more than 20 years of study in various Yoga and Tantric traditions, including Sri Vidya Tantra and the teachings of the Himalayan masters. As a post-lineage teacher, Tracee is devoted to sharing the wisdom of yoga nidra, meditation, self-inquiry, nature as a teacher, ritual, and ancestor reverence. She is the creatrix of the Empowered Life Self-Inquiry Oracle Deck and host of the Radiant Rest Podcast, which celebrates the practices, teachers, and traditions that prioritize the rituals of rest, sacred dreaming, and self-care.

This event is offered by PersonalityMag in cooperation with Tracee Stanley. Here you can register for our free newsletter, in which we will inform you about all upcoming workshops & events.

Credits @ Chloe Crespi

*This article contains affiliate links

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